
Quantum simulation, quantum computing and Qiskit

نسخه‌های مختلف از Qiskit

In this article, we got acquainted with the meanings of quantum simulators and quantum calculations. We also learned how Qiskit can help us in these two areas. In this article, we learned about Qiskit Aer and its capabilities in simulating quantum circuits. We also saw that Qiskit can be used in the field of quantum computing because Qiskit provides us with capabilities such as designing circuits, running codes on real quantum computers and libraries such as Qiskit Aqua. This article is an introductory content in the field of simulators and quantum computing. We will talk more about quantum algorithms and their implementation on the Qiskit platform in the future.

At Iran’s Quantum Technologies Research Center, we conduct research on fields related to the field of quantum computing. One of the things we are going to share with you in this article is information about quantum simulation and calculations with the Qiskit tool.

What is Qiskit? Can we use it as a quantum simulator and for quantum computing? In this article, we will answer these questions. But first we need to check what “quantum simulator” and “quantum computing” mean?

What is a quantum simulator?

According to the article What is a quantum simulator (by T. H. Johnson et al.), quantum simulators are devices that use the effects of quantum mechanics to answer questions about modeled systems. In this way, answers to questions related to real systems can also be obtained. A quantum simulator is a tool for simulating the behaviors and properties of quantum systems. Simulators provide a mechanism through which we can understand quantum phenomena without having to have physical quantum hardware.

What is quantum computing?

The use of quantum systems such as qubits in performing computational operations and solving those operations optimally compared to classical computers is defined as quantum computing. Quantum computing uses some features of quantum mechanics such as superposition and entanglement to achieve increased speed compared to classical computers.

What is Qiskit?


An open-source Software Development Kit (SDK) for use in quantum computers is Qiskit, which operates at the level of circuits and algorithms. Qiskit allows you to run your quantum program on an emulator using your own computer. Qiskit Aer version is a high-performance quantum computing simulator, with the ability to realistically simulate noise models. Qiskit Aer has an interface that allows you to implement quantum circuits with or without noise through various simulation methods without having actual quantum hardware. Different emulators are included in Qiskit Aer which can be used for different purposes. For example, statevector simulator, unitary simulator, etc.

Quantum computing with Qiskit

Qiskit allows researchers, programmers and others to work with quantum computers and quantum algorithms. In Qiskit, we can take advantage of a set of tools and libraries related to quantum computing. Some of the tools and libraries that we can use for quantum computing are:

  1. Designing quantum circuits: Qiskit allows users to design quantum circuits using the high-level Python programming language. Users can use different single and multi-qubit busses, control busses and more.
  2. Access to real quantum hardware: Thanks to the coordination between Qiskit and IBM Quantum, we can also run Qiskit code on a real quantum computer.
  3. Quantum algorithms: Qiskit has a library called Aqua. Aqua stands for “Algorithms for Quantum Applications”. Qiskit Aqua can be used in fields such as chemistry, finance, machine learning, and optimization. Qiskit Aqua allows you to experience real and up-to-date applications of quantum computing.
  4. Quantum Emulators: As we said earlier, Qiskit has a powerful emulator called Qiskit Aer. To test and check an algorithm, we can implement its circuit with Qiskit and then reconstruct it with Qiskit Aer to get to know the behavior of that circuit.

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